We decide to do something that brings out the "Local" of it.
So we decide to try this out.
We first make the color of the bread with Red and Green and try to mix it.
The colors can't be too dark and it has to be soft and light which brings out the "sweetest" of the product.
Followed by the classic flavors of the ice-cream which is sweet corn, raspberry and also chocolate.
We thought that raspberry is a little harder to make because we try to mix it properly so that the red color will not spread too much on the white color of the clay.
After that, we have to coat the side of the bread brown color to make it look nicer.
Colors actually are very important as after adding brown color on the side of the bread, the product look much more detailed.
And of course the hardest part is to make the bread fold into half using glue to attached the ice cream.
Definitely, the product turns out to be presentable and suit my expectation.
Review of the product
Quality: 8.0/10
Finishing: 8.5/10
Packaging: 8/10
Effort: 8/10
Overall: 8.125/10